Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bieber fans are called Beliebers. Belieber was declared one of the best new words of 2010. The Canberra Times defined the word as: "belieber (n) blend of Bieber-believer, a fan of pop star Justin Bieber". A definition for belieber offered by New York Times "On Language" columnist Ben Zimmer is "belieber: a fanatical devotee of the pop singer Justin Bieber". Usage of the word predates its inclusion in dictionaries. Love of Bieber by Beliebers has been named "Bieber Fever." Bieber Fever is described as an addiction to Justin Bieber that may start out as a crush on him before escalating over the course to a point where others view the addiction as harmful.


Bieber's management team makes an effort to mobilize and coordinate Bieber's fans into taking actions related to Bieber. A contest was run on Twitter which included several celebrities that enabled fans to gain access to behind the scenes footage and purchase tickets to the Bieber movie before others. Pre-teen Bieber fans sometimes coordinate on social media services to gather at a mall and "buy their entire stock of Bieber paraphernalia to donate to charity." One such buyout was organised by a 13 year old and 14 year old in Indiana.

See for books and dvds about cute Justin Bieber! Of course you can try ebay to!